Mark Wigglesworth

writings - shaping the invisible

The Silent Musician ~ Why Conducting Matters

Secrets: On Shostakovich Symphony No. 4

Terror and Tragedy: On Shostakovich Symphonies Nos. 5, 6, & 10

Resistance: On Shostakovich Symphony No. 7

Requiem: On Shostakovich Symphony No. 8

Odes to Freedom: On Shostakovich Symphony Nos. 9 & 12

Revolution: On Shostakovich Symphony No. 11

Tombstones: On Shostakovich Symphony No. 13

Love and Death: On Shostakovich Symphony No. 14

‘In my beginning is my end’: On Shostakovich’s first and last symphonies

Why should we play the music of our time?

Owen Wingrave – a private and public opera

Taste the Difference

Browse Writings

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